samedi 26 janvier 2008

JCSER: Hebrew Names Instead of Arab Names in Silwan


JCSER's Research & Media Unit accused the Jerusalem Municipality of starting a new campaign of Judaizing important sites in Silwan, south of the Old City, by giving Hebrew names to these sites. The unit referred to announcements published by the Jerusalem Municipality and the Israeli Ministry of Transportation during the past few days entitled, 'Development Works in Silwan', attached with a detailed map of the sites to be developed. Their names have been replaced by Hebrew names. The Center's Director Genera, Ziad Al-Hammouri, said, 'Changing the names of Arab sites into Hebrew names is an old policy adopted by the consecutive municipalities. It started in the Old City of Jerusalem when Hebrew names were given to streets, allies, roads, and Islamic religion sites, most importantly the Al-Aqsa Mosque, which is called by the Israelis as the Temple Mount'. He added, 'But the new campaign signifies the volume of changes which the Israelis try to make on the ground of Jerusalem, either by settlement, taking over properties, or giving Hebrew names to important neighborhoods and sits in suburbs adjacent to the Old City'.

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