samedi 8 mars 2008

Lieberman: Jerusalem attack is product of Arab MK incitement

Haaretz 04:26 08/03/2008
By Haaretz Service

Yisrael Beiteinu chairman MK Avigdor Lieberman slammed the Arab Knesset members on Friday, maintaining that "yesterday's attack can not be disconnected from the Arab MKs incitement, which we hear daily in the Knesset." Lieberman, who served as strategic affairs minister in Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's government, was referring to Thursday's terrorist attack in which eight students at the Mercaz Harav yeshiva in Jerusalem were gunned down by a Palestinian terrorist. He said that "in light of the incitement of Israeli Arabs" he was not surprised that the terrorist was from East Jerusalem and held an Israeli identification card.
"Whoever called the IDF activity aimed at protecting the southern communities 'war crimes,' and whoever incites and burns the Israeli flag in Umm al-Fahm, cannot shirk from the responsibility for the criminal attack in Jerusalem," he said. The right-wing Women in Green group condemned the attack and called to establish eight settlements in the West Bank- in memory of the eight yeshiva students killed in Thursday's attack. "The Jewish Zionist revenge must be an immediate revenge by establishing eight new communities throughout Judea and Samaria in memory of the those murdered, especially in light of the fact that the Mercaz Harav yeshiva symbolizes the settlement in the Yesha region," a statement from the organization read.

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